Tea, culture & happiness signature

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Turkey is known for its famous Turkish coffee (Kahva), Hindia for its Milky Chay, Asia for tea, Matcha and derivatives and of course Morocco has also its own identification. When you say Morocco, you will absolutely imagine a cup of Mint tea served in any possible occasion.

Tea has a special story, it was introduced for the first time by the Moroccan traveler named Ibn Battuta during the 14th century, followed by the British at the 18th century. Since that time, the Moroccan population has become a big consumer of tea and had added its touch on it to become more authentic and reflect its local culture.

The tea culture is involved around the happiness pillars; being relaxed, heartfelt, and convivial. It’s more than a simple drink to have; it’s a symbol of the Moroccan hospitality. Wherever you are, home, at the souk, or only for a simple visit; you won’t be allowed to quit before receiving a warm welcoming with tea and some Moroccan pastries.

It is said that tea time is anytime, In Morocco we start the day with tea and we end the tiring day with it as well. So never be surprised for being invited for tea once, twice…or more per a day…it’s love and hospitality language. People are gathered around tea have some deep conversations, share memorable moments, enjoy the great things in life and appreciate the little things.

Attention please, Tea is always served thrice. Let’s Cheer up your life with some Moroccan cups of tea J

  1. The first is as sour as life,
  2. the second is as robust as love,
  3. the third is as gentle as death.  


Let’s finally share with you the secret behind making this delicious cup of tea in the Moroccan way:

The ingredients for making the famous tea are rather basic:

  • Dried tea
  • Some fresh mint leaves (Just if you love this flavor)
  • Pieces of sugar
  • Boiling water

1/ We start by putting tea in a teapot, then we add a little boiling water by infusing about one minute. The contents are poured into a small tea glass and left to rest on the tray.

2/ Refill the teapot with boiling water, then throw the tea, so that the bitter taste of the chosen tea disappears.

3/ Reintroduce the small glass of tea into the teapot. Then place the teapot filled with water on the stove for 5 minutes, or pour directly boiling water into the teapot to fill it.

4/ Add mint leaves and some pieces of sugar.

5/ Then everything is in the gesture: pour the tea in a first glass while holding the teapot in height, to add air and make it “foam”. Put the little glass in the teapot and repeat the operation as many times as necessary for the sugar and mint are well mixed (two or three times are sufficient).

6/ Once the tea is well mixed, enjoy it « Besaha »!

And for those who worry about their health and what they drink; let’s discover some benefits about the cup of healing:

Moroccan Mint Tea relieves respiratory problems: For example, if you are suffering with the nagging cough, the stuffy nose or the congested chest due to infections of allergies; a cup of mint tea is a great solution to get some relief especially that it contains menthol, a known anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic.


Moroccan Mint Tea Boosts Your Immune System: Mint tea is on par with the multivitamins in your cabinet. Every cup of Moroccan mint tea comes a generous serving of fluoride, calcium, magnesium, copper and selenium – all of which boost immune function. These essential minerals can kill off opportunistic fungi, bacteria, and viruses that eagerly await the chance to strike if your immune function declines. The best part of getting these minerals from Moroccan mint tea is that you can drink them in a sweet and warm beverage – no pill-swallowing required!

Moroccan Mint Tea Keeps Your Heart Healthy: If you’ve read about B vitamins in the past, you’ll know that there is a family of them, each with their own unique healing properties. Mint tea comes full of vitamin B3 (a.k.a Niacin), which decreases bad cholesterol (“LDL”) and increases good cholesterol (“HDL”). Additionally, Moroccan mint tea contains folic acid, which regulates your body’s level of homocysteine, an amino acid that can cause heart disease if too much of it is present.

Moroccan Mint Tea Relieves Digestive Problems: When stomach troubles arise, some are quick to reach for a pack of Tums or Gravol. For the people of Morocco, mint tea may very well be the go-to solution for digestive issues. Menthol can relax intestinal muscles, and therefore, reduce stomach cramping. Additionally, mint is well-known to reduce sensations of nausea which may come from gastrointestinal infections, chronic conditions or pregnancy (morning sickness).

Moroccan Mint Tea Soothes the Mind & Nerves: Stress is an avoidable factor in modern life. Entire industries are dedicated to keeping one’s mental health in check. Moroccan mint tea, especially when infused with green tea leaves, contains an amino acid called l-Theanine. This compound is known to raise your levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of relaxation and calmness.

Moroccan Mint Tea Maintains Good Oral Health: We won’t tell you to put down your toothbrush and Listerine, but mint contains powerful antimicrobial properties. The consumption of Moroccan mint tea allows these antimicrobial agents to kill bacteria that can cause periodontal disease.

Moroccan Mint Tea Cleanses and Clears Out Your Skin: An overlooked organ that mint benefits is your largest one – your skin. For many people, conditions such as acne (especially in teens and young adults) are bothersome and can affect one’s self-confidence. Fortunately, mint can reduce the excessive production of sebum, which causes acne breakouts. In combination with a regular skin hygiene routine, a sweet cup of Moroccan mint tea may contribute to clearer and more radiant skin.

Moroccan Mint Tea Helps Control Your Weight: This may come as no surprise to you, but herbal teas such as the mint variety from Morocco can help you reach your weight goals. Mint tea contains antioxidants known as catechins, which help reduce abdominal fat and improve triglyceride levels. A sound diet and exercise plan is still required, but mint tea may be the next fitness supplement to add to your weight-loss stack!

Moroccan Mint Tea Health Benefits the Entire Body & Mind: If you were to take a trip to your nearest drug store, you’d see shelves filled with over-the-counter medicines for virtually all sorts of common maladies. A single cup of Moroccan mint tea carries many of the healing properties that various pills and tablets have – minus the side effects.

It’s a reason why the Moroccan people have consumed the tea for so many centuries. When consumed regularly, the tea can reduce the severity of certain conditions and protect the body and mind from others.