The liquid gold “Argan Oil” The beauty secret of Moroccan women

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What is the origin of Argan tree?

Morocco is the homeland of Argan Oil tree, a tree with thorny branches, that belongs to the Sapotaceae family, it has been placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list because of its rarity. It is also very expensive and little widespread. Argan trees are native to the sandy, stony semi-desert Sous Valley region of Morocco; now it only grows in southwest Morocco, between the Atlantic coast and the Atlas Mountains. The Argan trees can reach a height of 30 feet and can live up to 200 years. The fruit is produced over a period of 30 to 50 years.

Where does Argan Oil come from and how it’s produced ?

“Fruit to nut to seed to oil”

The process of producing Argan oil is very specific and it requires a lot of time; the nut must be cracked in a particular way so as to preserve its structure. The fruit is typically ready to harvest in June or July, the Argan fruits must first ripen, hand-collected as they fall from the tree, dried in the sun until they turn brown, then, the peels and pulp are manually removed, to reveal the argan nut. The seeds inside the argan nut are protected by a thick shell, and it takes a great effort and a lot of work to crack the nut carefully without destroying the seeds inside which can damage the oil they contain, this process must be carried out by hand to obtain high-quality oil and extracted carefully by a hand-operated stone. Argan oil is typically produced by women's cooperatives in Morocco using a semi-industrial system. This enables Morocco to produce high-quality argan oil.


Goats climbing Argan trees: the real story:

Goats actually love Argan fruits, they eat all the nuts that shed from the tree, they even climb into the trees to find more. There is a common myth said that oil producers rely on goats to "process" the fruit through their digestive tracts and that the nuts collected from goat dung are easier to open; unfortunately, this common belief led to the practice of chaining goats to branches along the roads for several days in order to attract passing visitors.

What are the benefits of Argan oil?

Argan oil can be used for both food and cosmetic grade, unroasted kernels are used to make cosmetic Argan oil, whereas roasted kernels are used to make food Argan oil. It has several benefits in both internally and externally.

Argan oil's importance as a food

Food Argan oil is one of the world's most nutritionally oils that has a sweet, nutty taste. It has a delicious taste when poured over couscous or with seafood, tajin, salads and it is the main ingredient in Amlou (similar to peanut butter). Argan is the main oil for Amazigh food which is considered to be a sign of this cultural continuity.

Argan oil is perfect for the skin

Argan oil comes from the nuts of the Argan trees which is full of vitamin E and rich in natural antioxidant, omega 6 and fatty acids that bring important benefits and to maintain the dynamism of the skin. Argan oil is perfect for all skin types, because it is natural; it can be used to keep the skin hydrated, nourished and revitalized, in addition to that, it is the best oil for women looking to delay skin aging and to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and can prevent and eliminate dark spots, chapped skin and sunburn. Argan oil is also perfect for treating acne-prone skin, it is also recommended for very dry, rough hands and feet. Argan oil is essential for every Moroccan woman’s beauty routine.

Argan oil enhance the hair

Nowadays, chemical hair products have very harmful ingredients that can cause significant problems for the hair and making it looks dull and dry; they can even affect scalp that can cause hair loss. Argan oil is rich of multivitamin, antioxidants, phenols, omega 6 fatty acids that protect hair against these bad products, moreover, this liquid gold prevent dryness, boost shine and brilliance, furthermore, it gives your hair a healthy natural-looking . Argan oil used as a moisturizer for the hair, it can be used as a hair mask or adding a few drops of oil in shampoo or as a conditioner.

Always remember:  GOOD HAIR, GOOD MOOD, GOOD DAY!

The health benefits of Argan oil

Argan Oil may be used to enhance your immune system, since it contains essential nutrients, it is a rich source of vitamin E, omega3 fatty acids which help reduce heart disease risk by boosting the level of good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol. Additionally, Argan oil being rich in antioxidants, it is beneficial in fighting off cancerous cells.

Argan oil, the liquid gold, also known as one of the rarest oils in the world. The incredible combination of vitamin E, fatty-acids and antioxidants are effective at boosting the immune system. It is a multi-purpose oil that can help hydrate the skin, moisturize the hair and bring out a unique nutty flavor to your recipe!